Is your sofa dust and allergy-free?

In every living room, you will come across some kind of a seating arrangement that is comfortable like, a sofa or comfy chairs and cushions. The sofa falls under a one piece furniture category that is likely to be used. However, sofas and cushions are often relentlessly exposed to dust from the air along with the germs from the people who use it. If not taken care of, the existing germs and bacteria may have adverse effects on the people staying in the house or using the sofa.
To prevent your family from falling frequently sick due to germ-infested sofa in the house, a professional sofa shampooing and sanitization servicescan do wonders to keep dust and germs at bay.

How does a professional treatment work?

With the help of professional sofa cleaning service, you can get rid of stains, ground-in soils and spots.
Ideally, dusting your sofa, daily may not help you and remove those stubborn stains on the upholstery and the ground-in soils and particles present around the corners of the sofa. The relevant cleaning products and techniques from Hi Care professionals can lighten those stains and effectively get rid of it completely with a regular cleaning service.

Shampooing / Drying using vacuuming

While doing professional upholstery shampooing, it requires the use of certain effective products and cleaning methods to make sure an optimized service. Our professionals at Hi Care use the best and effective products to shampoo and then also perfectly dry your sofa while ensuring it is thoroughly clean, allergy-free and dust-free before they leave.

Sanitisation using UV machine to extract dust mites

The dust mites are the tiny bugs that can affect almost any part of the sofa. There are higher chances for these mites to affect those areas which are hard to reach and clean. Our Hi Care professionals can precisely identify the areas and completely remove the accumulated dust mites.

Thorough cushion cleaning

Any house decor is incomplete without sofas with colourful cushions. However, it is equally necessary to clean the cushions and its covers. Cleaning the cover is the easiest task, but the upholstery on the cushion needs appropriate attention. Hi Care has a great team of cleaning experts who can their jobs accurately and efficiently. Get in touch with us for sofa shampooing and sofa cleaning services in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Delhi.


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