Efficiently Cleaning the Bathroom

Are you planning to clean your bathroom sparkling clean? We have brought amazing bathroom cleaning tips and hacks that you have never known.

Pre-treating your bathtub or shower

During this process, ensure to protect your hand from hazardous chemicals by wearing gloves. Get a bleaching powder or mildew remover sprinkled on these areas.

Cleaning the Toilet

Add disinfectants in your toilet bowl from interior and exterior. Allow it to settle while you start cleaning or scrubbing the exterior area and then move towards the bowl, the lid, the area behind the seat, and then the rest of the floor of your toilet. Use a brush to scrub the bowl and flush. If found necessary, you can use strong white vinegar get it sparkling clean.

Moving behind the tub or shower

Make the surface wet and use the above cleaners while cleaning. Scrub the walls and tub using a sponge or a scrub pad. You can use an old toothbrush to remove sharp stains.

Washing the Sink

Empty the counter area and put a disinfectant of your choice. Disinfect the sink while adding a cleaner in the sink as well.

Wipe out the Mirrors

Take a soft cloth while wiping the mirrors. If there are any stains, you can wrap a cloth round your finger and remove it scratching with your nails.

Steakless Window Cleaner

Making a cleaner at home is easy and a quick process and these cleaners can be used while cleaning windows and mirrors. One such cleaner can be prepared by mixing vinegar and alcohol.

Cleaning the Bathroom Floor

While cleaning the floor, use a 50/50 solution that has vinegar and water in equal proportion. It will help to kill the growth of bacteria and deodorize the surface.

Note: Avoid using vinegar on marble, stone floors or countertops.

Bathroom cleaning services??

Call us @3988-9988 or visit us https://hicare.in/home-cleaning-services


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