Benefits of cleaning a mattress And Curtain

Fresh, clean bedding can make you believe that your mattress is just as clean as the sheets and comforter, but that’s not the case. Even with regular bedding changes and an anti-dust mite cover, mattresses can contain the highest amount of dust mites and dirt particles in the home. Along with helping to eliminate dust, dirt and dead skin cell flakes, mattress-steaming services have additional benefits.

Benefits of cleaning mattress:

Healthier indoor air quality:

The average adult requires 8 hours of sleep a day, which equals 1/3 or your lifetime and gives a very good reason to maintain the healthy indoor air quality in your bedroom. When you turn in your bed at night, it stirs up fine dust particles from the mattress that you can breathe in. Those dust particles can lead to poor indoor air quality that causes health issues such as throat and eye irritation, sneezing, upper respiratory congestion, watery eyes and fatigue.

Allergy management:

House dust mites live mainly in mattresses, and they’re a highly common trigger for allergy issues including asthma, eczema, and rhinitis. Home cleaning services reduces dust and doctors recommend regular mattress cleaning for them allergy patients because they often have bad allergy attacks while sleeping as their bodies react to the dust mites in the mattress. Minimizing contact with the allergens can reduce allergy triggers that could lead to a more serious health condition.

Peace of mind:

Having a clean, hygienic mattress to sleep on can help you rest easier with greater peace of mind. You know you’re not sleeping on a mattress filled with kilograms of dust particles, dead skin flakes and millions of dust mites. A quality night’s sleep helps improve emotional wellness and physical health, so a clean mattress is good for your wellbeing.
Cleaning a mattress is a big job and best left to the professionals. Contact Embassy Cleaners to see how we can help with all your household cleaning needs.

Benefits Of Cleaning Curtain:

Extended life: 

Extend the life of your drapes and protect your investment at the same time. You can clean it yourself, but when you hire a professional curtain steaming services you will double their lifespan as they will use the proper tools, techniques, and certified cleaning products for that matter.


Retain the new look of your curtain with regular cleaning and maintain the good condition. The frequency of curtain cleaning will usually depend on the use and the environment along with other factors such as exposure to smoke, pet hairs, children and the type of heating system in your home as well.

Say no to allergies: 

You will be able to keep your home fresh and hygienic when you clean the curtains regularly. This will help you to avoid allergic reaction as there will be no allergens in your home. Many doctors recommend patients suffering from allergies to clean their homes, especially curtain cleaning on a regular basis.

No bad odor:

With the regular or professional cleaning of your curtains there will be no bad odor due to pet dander, smoke, and even air fresheners and scented candles. The cleaning solutions will replace it with a fresh scent.

Prevention of diseases: 

Shower curtains are very critical as these are exposed to a lot of moisture all the time, especially when you use the shower. It encourages mold formation that may cause serious health issues, even early or delayed puberty in children and some types of cancer.

Keep your kids healthy: 

Curtains in the living room and other places are prone to accumulation of dust that may lead to serious problems in your lungs and even affect the immune system of your body. These are very harmful, especially to kids, pets and elder people. They will fall ill easily.

Also, read our blog on Best Professional Home Cleaners For Diwali Festival in 2019.


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