MONSOON, Why is it the ideal opportunity for you to deep clean your home?

No time of the year is as beautiful as monsoon, it always comes to us as a relief from the seething hot summer season. But the beauty, for the most part, lies outside our houses as inside them there are too many problems that we face. During monsoon, no matter how sealed we keep our apartments or how many foot mats we employ we cannot avoid the entry of dirt and mud inside our homes. The situation becomes particularly more problematic when this dirt starts settling in places like the sofa mattress in our living room or the floor tiles in our bathroom, places we are not accustomed to clean every day. On top of this, the season also provides an ideal combination of both heat and moisture for the breeding of insects like mosquitoes, roaches, bedbugs, ants, etc. which invade our houses throughout the season and can become a constant source of irritation to us. These insects hide in the darkest and the most unreachable cor ners of our houses and carry along with the bacteria an...