Things You Should Never forget to Clean!

deep cleaning

Hicare provides Home cleaning, deep cleaning services etc and much more. As we got into the house keeping business, we comprehended that it is the blend of craftsmanship and a science.

Perfect from using Eco-accommodating chemicals and high review equipment and the methodology of using them and getting the best results out with the help of a gathering is just the genuine housekeeping.

The name suggests that housekeeping is a specialist undertaking of cleaning the place with every specialty and corner persistently cleaned to remove the greater part of an unyielding stain and earth.

We, at Hicare, send our specialists at your home to offer you the best housekeeping administrations in the city according to your solace.

Why do we require our homes cleaned?

A muddled house is a raising spot for germs and disease which will also welcome rats and cockroaches.

Deep cleaning and scouring the floor isn't something one can regulate alone.

As needs be, it is vital for every property holder to get their home profoundly cleaned now and again by the master cleaners.

How we clean homes at Hicare


Starting with the cleaning administration from this zone, our gathering of specialists ensures that it is totally wiped from back to front. We don't leave any corners or divider unattended as we fathom that where you rest must be immaculately cleaned.


Our zone to focus on is your kitchen and we spend more than 3 hours to get this place without germs and amazingly sparkling.

Living room

The living room is last however not the base as we stick around in cleaning the lounge chairs, rooftop and floor totally. As Hicare is also known for there sofa cleaning services.

Finishing Touch

When we have our work done right, the activity isn't finished yet! We will have our specialists to do the last cleanup and make your home the best and most secure place to stay by giving your home that extra shimmer from our end.

We, at Hicare, are best known for our profound cleaning services in Mumbai and couch shampooing services.

Things you’re probably forgetting to Clean

Under the sofa cushions

In spite of the way that you should change the lounge chair cover constantly, it isn't yet totally clean from soil and germs.
With a considerable measure of family unit tasks in your step by step plan, you may leave behind an awesome open door a couple of spots where step by step cleaning and cleaning is required.
The one such spot is perfect underneath your lounge chair or between the gaps of your couch and pad put.
You should clean this district exactly and by chance to not allow the soil and tidy to settle down as the place is significantly disposed to assemble earth.

Backside of Wall Art and Television

The wall is the place which goes dismissed constantly while cleaning the house.
If you will retreat and endeavor to think, when was the last time you got your area behind the wall craftsmanship cleaned, by far most of us would neglect to recall.
In any case, much the same as electronic stock, even divider craftsmanship are slanted to assemble spotless as it remains untouched.


As your blinds shield from germs, they are astoundingly helpless against get foul and slanted to germs.
Thusly, you should wipe them down totally with a touch of texture by chance in light of the fact that the tidy would remain paying little mind to the likelihood that you close the blinds.
Hicare also provide other services such as bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning etc

Remote Control

The remote control is the most cleaned question which goes uncleaned and unnoticed.
There's an incredible arrangement to pressure when a remote control isn't inside and out cleaned with a wet wipe.
You should be habitually cleaning or wiping your mobile phone, headphone or some different contraptions you are incorporated with constantly.


Now and then, it is imperative to get down and profound clean your home to discard those germs and soil amassed around the tiles.

Truly, it is a horrendous endeavor to do, however correspondingly fundamental for keeping up a sound air in the house.

By and by when you will clean your home, remember to recall on these zones in the midst of your home cleaning services.

We, at Hi Care, are best known for our profound cleaning and couch cleaning services in mumbai.


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