House Cleaning Checklist

Step-by-Step Guide to a Clean House

When you enlist Molly Maid, you're employing an expert. One of the signs of Molly Maid's expert cleaning administration is that we clean your home in view of a strategy. A methodology that goes up against cleaning in an orderly, sorted out way (while having the adaptability to consolidate your custom wishes).

Astonished we'd share our insider facts? We want to clean and love to prepare. Furthermore, we know our clients cherish our administration. In addition, sharing is great. Utilize our house keeping agenda to clean your home productively and altogether:

1.            Before you begin going space to room, stop initially to put on some incredible, exuberant music. That is better. Presently get mess, and as you go, don't hesitate to second-figure your things. The less you have, the less you need to secure, clean, and tidy: examine books, magazines, daily papers, DVDs, furniture, toys the children have outgrown, old PCs you've outgrown, old garments and shoes in the storage rooms… is it an opportunity to give and reuse? Kill lights and roof fans as you go for the up and coming tidying work.

2.            Speaking of storage rooms, on the off chance that you have any that you're reluctant to open, confront your apprehensions its opportunity to limit and arrange.

3.            Dust (go left to right, through and through) with microfiber fabrics. This will bring down allergens and enhance the air quality in your home. Hosed materials attached to the closures of mops and floor brushes work awesome for expelling spider webs. For slatted blinds, utilize the string to close them one way and clean, then close them the other way and rehash… it's compelling and significantly more productive than attempting to do one support at any given moment. Bear in mind to hit the highest points of entryways, fans, light apparatuses, picture edges and yes, each of your knickknacks (keep them in show cases to diminish tidying work). For the substance of surrounded photographs, TV screens, and PC screens, utilize glass cleaner on your cotton fabric or microfiber to abstain from streaking.

4.            Vacuum. Ensure your pack/compartment isn't as of now full, and utilize the correct settings and connections. Hit the floors in the entire house, and upholstered furniture. Be astonished at each one of those missing things (socks, your most loved pen) that you find under your lounge chair pads.

5.            Sweep/wipe/treat floors (with the exception of kitchen). For cleaning, begin at the most remote corner of the room and move back toward the passage. Wash wipe in the wake of finishing every 4 x 4 foot region.

6.            Furniture rousing. Once in a while, some wooden furniture needs a decent waxing.


•             Wipe down ledges and cupboards (begin at prompt right of the stove).

•             Clean face of machines (cooler, microwave, dishwasher).

•             Wipe down stove best.

•             Clean within microwave.

•             Soak stove dribble dish and handles in sink.

•             Clean inside and around sink.

•             Sweep and wipe floor (go light on cleaning item in the water to evade develop).


•             Remove carpets/wastebaskets (on the off chance that you haven't as of now while vacuuming prior).

•             Remove everything from tub/shower.

•             Place shower tangle in tub/shower.

•             Wet tub/give dividers warm water.

•             Apply tile and grout cleaner, permit to sit.

•             Spray/clean everything with generally useful cleaner aside from can, vanity, shower/tub, reflect.

•             Fill can with ¼ glass generally useful cleaner and water to prep for floor cleaning.

•             Stand on shower tangle and scour tub/shower dividers and entryway (utilize grout brush in the middle of tiles as required).

•             Apply tile and grout cleaner to tub/shower floor and scour.

•             Clean shower rack/cleanser dishes.

•             Clean shower track.

•             Rinse off dividers of tub/shower and dry with material.

•             Vanity: shower tile and grout cleaner in sink, cleanser dish.

•             Spray ledge with universally handy more clean.

•             Scrub sink.

•             Use grout brush along fixture and deplete.

•             Rinse the sink and your cloth.

•             Wipe the vanity ledge.

•             Wipe down bureau fronts.

•             Clean reflect: shower glass cleaner on delicate material and buff.

•             Shine the spigots.

•             Wash the floor with arrangement in the can and permit to dry.

•             Replace carpets, shower tangle and wastebaskets.


In the event that you've effectively expelled mess, cleaned, and vacuumed the house and cleaned your storage rooms, your rooms will be fundamentally done. To complete, basically:

•             Return any furniture (seats, diaper canisters, and so forth.) that you set up to vacuum before.

•             Make bed.

•             Straighten.

•             Special ventures: Organize your sock drawer? Overlap clothing and put in dresser? Put a mint on your pad?


•             Use a without streak glass cleaner (don't shower on excessively) and wipe with daily papers.

•             Clean extensive and difficult to-achieve windows with an expert quality squeegee.

•             Clean window screens by expelling from edge and scouring with universally handy cleaner blended with warm water. Scour each screen with a swarm brush, wash with open air hose and embed once again into window to dry.

•             More window cleaning tips.

•             Contact our Hicare organization, Window Genie, for expert Home cleaning services, all around!
( Don’t have time for this Cleaning process? Contact hicare we provide home cleaning services )

We provides Home cleaning services in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and many more.


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